Quarantine Video Contest
Contest Overview
During this time of quarantine, families are locked up together and looking for something to keep themselves busy. Here’s a great opportunity to do something fun that will share the truth of the Bible with others. It’s also the chance to win a great prize that will be a valuable resource. Our SVOD platform AwesomeSciTV is holding a video contest for families to produce a 2-10-minute video on the topic of Creation and the Bible. This contest is not limited to families or even homeschool families. The topic is pretty wide, but you must include both topics in your submission.
Video Brainstorming Ideas:
Show us how you teach science in your family
Showcase your family out in God’s creation
Showcase one part of science you love as a family
Showcase a family trip you took relating to God’s creation
Showcase strong evidence for the Creator
Show us why evolution can’t be true
Maybe geologic evidence for the flood
It can be a family skit
It can be a funny commentary
A mini-documentary
A music video
How To Win
The Most Views Wins! After you submit your video, it will be placed in our AwesomeSciTV video selections for anyone to watch! We’ll keep track of how many views each video gets. All videos will be made available for free to watch on our platform, and a daily report will be released on the AwesomeSciTV Facebook Page on how many views each video is getting. You’ll need to promote your video to friends and family via your social media channels to drive them to your video, so you’ll gain views.
Winning Strategy:
Produce a high quality video to entertain and keep people watching, but also get your video in ASAP so you can start getting views sooner than later.
Contest Opens Wednesday, April 8th, 2020 at 6:00 am PST
Contest Ends Friday, May 1st, 2020 at 11:59 pm PST
Contest Winners Announced on May 5th, 2020
First Place – Lifetime Subscription to AwesomeSciTV
Second Place – 3 Year Subscription to AwesomeSciTV
Third Place – Yearly Subscription to AwesomeSciTV
Rules/Guidelines about Submissions
Your videos should be produced in a manner consistent with Christian Principals:
No bad language or profanity
You’re able to criticize ideas and theories, but not people
Modestly dressed
Must be scientifically and Biblically accurate (7-day 24hr. Creation, 6,000 years since Adam)
Make it family-friendly, so if any violence, please be considerate
Use only original footage and/or public domain footage/photos and music
Please shoot and edit in HD 16x9, not vertical shots often done with mobile phone
You don't have to be a family or even a homeschool family to enter
You are NOT limited on how many videos you can submit
Our preferred file format is MP4
You can gift this prize to someone else or gift your current subscription to someone else if you win a prize
Anyone in the world can submit becasue AwesomeSciTV is everywhere in the world (although English is preferred)
Not limited just to families, but individuals can also participate
Free Media Resources
- Great site for royalty sound effects: www.FreeSound.org
- You can find some free music here: premiumbeat.com/free-music
Great site for royalty free video & pictures: www.pixabay.com
How to Submit Videos
Use the submission form below and fill in your family name, contact info, title of video, brief description, and file name
Agree to the rules and give us permission to share your video on AwesomeSciTV
Use WeTransfer.com or other file transfer sites and send them to: