A new DVD series hosted by Emmy award winning host, Jeremy McLaughlin. This new DVD series explores the mysteries of dinosaurs, how they fit into the Biblical record, how the Flood greatly impacted their future, evidence of dinosaurs after the Flood, as well as presenting evidence to confront claims by secular paleontologists that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago. Jeremy will travel the world to explore dinosaur sites and interview the experts in paleontology who hold to a biblical worldview.
Order 3 DVD Set Order Instant Video Set
Status: 3 Released, 4 in post-production
DVD Episodes in Development & Production:
Discovering Soft Dinosaur Tissue (Guest: Mark Armitage) Order DVD - Instant Video
Excavating Soft Dinosaur Tissue (Guests: Mark Armitage / Otis Kline) - Order DVD - Instant Video
High Tech Dinosaur Digging (Guest: Dr. Art Chadwick of SWAU) - Order DVD - Instant Video
Carbon Dating the Dinosaurs (Guest: Brian Thomas of ICR)
The Dinosaur Lab (Guest: Dr. Art Chadwick of SWAU)
Casting Dinosaurs (Guest: Joe Taylor of Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum)
Dinosaur Tracks in Texas (Guests: Dr. John Morris & Dr. Aaron Judkins
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Extra Videos
Episode Opening Producer, Kyle Justice gets ready for a shoot
Host, Jeremy McLaughlin gets ready for shoot Shooting an interview with Mark Armitage